Chiropractic for Elderly

Family Chiropractic – Keep the Whole Family Healthy!

Family Chiropractic Care is a Fun Adventure! Family Chiropractic Care is an excellent way for your family to stay healthy and happy. Coming in together as a family saves time and turns into a fun adventure every time you come in. Our staff loves to get to know your kids and babies. We know many of them [...]

Chiropractic Care for Overall Health (Including Incontinence!)

Often when you think about chiropractic care for an older adult it is for back or neck pain but often chiropractic can help other conditions as well. One of my favorite examples of this is a new patient named Marie. She had come in for shoulder issues but one morning came in and said “Hey Doc, [...]

A Miracle for a Patient in His Late 70’s

A Chiropractic Miracle? In the last blog, we talked about one of my favorite patients who had been under a lifetime of chiropractic care and lifestyle. She lived a long, healthy life. But sometimes patients don’t experience chiropractic care until later. Even patients who haven’t had chiropractic care until their 70’s or 80’s can benefit! Jim, [...]

What Age Should You Begin Chiropractic?

A patient asked me yesterday if it was too late for chiropractic to help her 90-year-old father. I told her no! We have many patients in their 80’s and 90’s who respond excellently to chiropractic care. I told her our office has seen babies as young as three hours old to people over 100 years. She [...]

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