
They’ve Opened The Door on Obesity

The AMA has just declared “OBESITY” as a disease. I wish that meant they are taking this seriously, developing  a plan to look at the causes and using their considerable clout to make preventive changes but I doubt it. By declaring obesity a disease, they are opening the door for new drugs. Yes wouldn’t we all like [...]

Enough, Already!

Japan has halted import of wheat from the US and China is burning corn imported from the US because of GMO contamination. Russia is threatening a world war over this issue. The press essentially ignored the protests in every major city around the world against Monsanto and our congress continues to ignore the dangers of GMO food; [...]


The Scariest Thing You’ll See in a Grocery Store

A patient sent me a picture from a local grocery store of a sign announcing “FREE ANTIBIOTICS”. How dangerously insane is that? At one time, antibiotics were a true miracle drug. They were designed to treat overwhelming bacterial infections and they worked. Unfortunately they have been  seriously over prescribed and perilously over used. Antibiotics are in our [...]

Blueberries, the Super Food!

My husband and I just returned from Maine – our standard Fourth of July vacation. While there we ate a lot of blueberries- in salads, muffins and my favorite – blueberry French toast. Here are some things you probably didn’t know about blueberries. Blueberries protect against memory loss by clearing the brain of toxic proteins. Maine produces [...]

2015-07-13T13:48:50+00:00Health, Nutrition|

Why Did It Take So Long for the FDA to Ban Trans Fats??

Did you know trans fats were bad for you? Sure you did; unless you have been living under a rock but the FDA has finally banned them. This was information we were taught in chiropractic school 28 years ago. So why did it take so long for the FDA to ban them? That question goes to the [...]


Heart Healthy diet vs. our Nutritional Cleanse System

A recent study at the University of Illinois at Chicago compared the results of a “Heart Healthy” diet to the nutritional cleanse system we use in our office. The results demonstrated that the cleanse system: 1. Had an average 56% greater reduction in body weight 2-Averaged 47% greater reduction in body fat 3-Had twice the reduction of [...]

2015-04-02T15:46:02+00:00Cleansing, Nutrition|

Be careful with SICKNESS EXPERTS!

Be careful with SICKNESS EXPERTS! Today on the radio a “health expert”, a medical doctor, said it is perfectly fine for all kids to have 2 sodas per day. I think most of you reading this blog know this is terrible advice! There is nothing beneficial about soda. Do any of us need more sugar? At best, [...]

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