When I was in sixth grade, my father’s company did interest, aptitude and IQ testing for all of the employees children. My test showed that I had three separate interests: Physician, Social Work and Forest Ranger.

Well, I have done 2 out of the three and frequently tease my husband that Forest Ranger is next.

I love being outside and can tell when I haven’t spent enough time in nature.

Studies are showing that spending time in nature is essential for all of us.

20 minutes spent in the park is shown to decrease stress, elevate the ability to concentrate and improve test scores in children.

The psychological, physical and cognitive benefits of being in nature appears to be universal.

American kids are spending 35% less time outside than their parents did and averaging 5-8 hours per day in front of a screen. I am sure the screen stats for adults is worse.

Recently, we had a young patient with many physical and psychological issues.

With chiropractic care, she returned to school with improved performance, improved sleep and she got off all her medications.

But I still sensed a lack of enthusiasm for life.

She always seemed interested if I mentioned hiking with our dogs. I told her and her Dad about a hike we love at John Bryant State Park. They went that weekend and had a wonderful time.

We helped them develop a schedule for more hiking in different parks with their dogs.

Everyone benefited. The dogs lost weight, our patient become a passionate hiker and it brought the family closer together.

Let us help you re-discover your inner ranger.

Dr. Julia Keiser

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