I have the best job in the world. Every day in our office we see a miracle.
Whether a small miracle of someone being able to golf without pain or having the energy to go on a bucket list trip to a nine year old who was using an inhaler 3 times per day for asthma, missing school, on 6 medications, hospitalized once per month transformed to a healthy little girl off all medications and a star on the soccer team.
Well last weekend I had the opportunity to pay that back. We went on a “Chiromission” trip to the Dominican Republic.
In 4 days, I adjusted 600 – 700 children and adults. This program was started by a Catholic nun/ R.N. who had worked at a clinic in Puerto Rico with chiropractors and medical doctors.
They found that the patients seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis needed less medication, less surgeries and less hospitalizations (findings similar to UHC, Aetna and Medicare in the U.S.). She has started a similar program at her free clinic in the D.R. She brings groups of chiropractors from all over the world to treat the poor. The first people to be adjusted at the clinic were the three medical doctors! They couldn’t wait.
I went to schools for the deaf, mentally and physically challenged, drug rehab facilities, community centers and ball fields. In every location (once they realized we were chiropractors), we were greeted with joy and excitement.
I will be forever grateful for this amazing opportunity. Remember to ask me about when you are in the office; I will love to share more stories with you.
I hope to see you soon! You can schedule an appointment by calling (614) 848-5211.
Dr. Julia Keiser