If you’re not familiar with chiropractic care, you may have a lot of questions!
We have strived to answer the most common questions we are asked on a regular basis below.
After your adjustment you may feel amazing, as your range of motion is improved, circulation begins to be restored to affected areas, and your muscles begin to relax. You might also experience some tenderness, as your muscles begin to move into the correct positions.
Yes! Sports injuries are becoming more common and more severe and all Olympic and professional teams are utilizing chiropractic care for their athletes and many team physicians are now Chiropractors. Most professional sports teams include chiropractic care in their normal routines. See Sports Chiropractic for more information.
Chiropractic is safe and appropriate for all ages from birth onward. Adjustments are tailored for children and are helpful for many conditions including sleep problems, colic, bedwetting, digestive issues to ADD, and ADHD.
Routine chiropractic care has a number of benefits that are especially important for maturing adults:
- spinal and extremity pain relief
- decreased stiffness and muscular spasms
- increased mobility and range of motion
- increased balance and coordination
- increased sense of well being
- increased energy
- enhanced tissue healing
- decreased tissue inflammation
- increased joint health
- decreased arthritis and arthritic joint pain
- minimized spinal stress and subsequent degeneration
- minimized risk of fall injuries
- slows or stops arthritic degeneration
- allows the continuation of desired activities
- improved sleep
Chiropractic care is extremely important for maturing and elderly adults because of the dramatic changes that occur in the spine with increasing age. As we age, spinal discs, facet joints, ligaments, muscles, and other spinal tissues become weaker, less hydrated, more fibrotic, and less able to withstand normal stresses. As a result, spinal pain from spinal degeneration (arthritis) becomes more prominent, tissue injury from relatively benign events occurs, and the time to heal from injuries increases.
Chiropractic procedures take into consideration the nature of the aging spine and the many abnormalities present to provide a strategically effective, safe and noninvasive treatment plan. Through the use of gentle adjustive and mobilization techniques, physical therapies, and incorporation of stretching and exercise programs spinal pain is reduced, spinal stresses are decreased, flexibility and mobility are improved, and degeneration is minimized.
Treatment techniques must focus on the underlying problem and involve the participation of the patient in order to be truly effective and long-lasting. Treatments which solely focus on pain and other “symptoms” only, are far less effective and are often dangerous since the conditions causing the symptoms to remain untreated and uncorrected
Chiropractic treatments are extremely safe for individuals of all ages – from infants to 100 year olds. Our treatments are safe because we only use natural and noninvasive methods of care. Research consistently shows that care from chiropractors is among the safest care available and is literally light years ahead of traditional medical care in terms of “safeness”.
The treatments themselves are generally not painful. In fact, most patients look forward to their treatments as many experience instantaneous relief immediately afterward. Individuals who present with moderate to severe pain may experience some minor discomfort for obvious reasons, however, care is always gentle, safe, and noninvasive.
Costs vary and generally depend on the number of treatments required to effectively treat your condition.
A number of studies have shown that chiropractic care is extremely cost-effective when compared to other “medical” forms of care for similar conditions. According to the 1993 Manga Report,
“There would be highly significant cost savings if more management of low-back pain was transferred from physicians to chiropractors. Users of chiropractic care have substantially lower health care costs, especially inpatient costs, than those who use medical care only.”
The only sure way to determine how long your treatment will take is to schedule a consultation and/or examination. For those of you who believe in just waiting for the problem to “go away” on its own – understand that the longer your condition has been around, the more treatments it will eventually require to resolve.
Remember: Procrastination is the thief of health.
Chiropractic has helped millions of people suffering from all types of problems, not just back and neck ailments. Chiropractic works with the spinal column and it is an intimate relationship with the brain and nervous system – the major controller of all bodily functions. By optimizing spinal column structure and biomechanics, irritation and stress are removed and health can once again be achieved.
You may be surprised to learn that research studies have provided scientific evidence showing chiropractic care is not only effective in the treatment of back and neck ailments but can also provide effective relief with children suffering from ear infections, women suffering from dysmenorrhea (painful menses), digestive problems, sleep issues and a number of other seemingly “non-spinal” conditions. While we can not guarantee relief from such conditions or claim to “treat” these conditions, chiropractic has successfully helped millions of individuals with many health conditions by positively affecting the brain and nervous system.
Of course, doctors of chiropractic are best known for their success in treating back and neck problems. Through the use of chiropractic spinal adjustments and other highly specialized chiropractic techniques, chiropractors have established themselves as the back and neck injury specialists. Many medical experts are now coming to understand the true effectiveness of chiropractic care and are recommending major changes in the way our health care system manages many common spinal problems.
A recent study published in “Spine” Journal found that patients who saw a chiropractor first needed spinal surgery 1.5% of the time, but when they sought care from a medical doctor, it was 42.7%.
Accurately identifying the cause of spinal pain or other discomforts almost always requires a thorough consultation and examination. Individuals should not assume their pain stems from the same problem, for example, their neighbor had, and thus what has helped their neighbor will help them. Just as every individual is unique and different from the next, so too are the health conditions they suffer and the treatments they require.
Chiropractic doctors are highly trained in the diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue injuries and abnormalities common to the spine, brain, extremities, and systems of the body. Rest assured that if you are suffering from back or neck problems, extremity problems or other health-related ailments chiropractic can provide you with the effective professional relief you demand. If your condition is out of the chiropractic scope or would be more appropriately managed by another health care specialist, we will gladly and promptly make the necessary referral.
If you have any kind of injury or condition that seems life-threatening, or you have broken a bone, call 9-1-1!
If you have a question that is not addressed above, please contact us! We are here to help!