Men’s Health

They’ve Opened The Door on Obesity

The AMA has just declared “OBESITY” as a disease. I wish that meant they are taking this seriously, developing  a plan to look at the causes and using their considerable clout to make preventive changes but I doubt it. By declaring obesity a disease, they are opening the door for new drugs. Yes wouldn’t we all like [...]

The Scariest Thing You’ll See in a Grocery Store

A patient sent me a picture from a local grocery store of a sign announcing “FREE ANTIBIOTICS”. How dangerously insane is that? At one time, antibiotics were a true miracle drug. They were designed to treat overwhelming bacterial infections and they worked. Unfortunately they have been  seriously over prescribed and perilously over used. Antibiotics are in our [...]

Don’t Stop Short

Occasionally a new patient asks me if once they start chiropractic care, they have to come forever. Of course the answer is no, but the real answer is they usually want to come forever. Once you get in alignment and relieve the pressure from the nervous system, the benefits aren’t only pain relief. When the brain can [...]

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