Children’s Health

Ignite your Immune Response

Winter brings cozy nights, festive cheer, and the promise of holidays, but it also brings its share of health challenges. Cold weather, shorter days, and the increased spread of germs mean that our immune systems face more pressure. Ensuring that your immune system stays strong during the winter months is essential for staying healthy and feeling [...]

A Pain Free Way to Combat Anxiety in Children

Frequency Specific Microcurrent As school is in full swing, it is common for students to get anxiety about all these new routines, new teachers, friends changing, and their sports season to name a few.  How do you know if your child is stressed out? Here are things you can look for (source: The MayoClinic Health System): [...]

Chiropractic Care for Kiddos

Chiropractic Care for Infants & Toddlers Time spent in the car seat is inevitable, but it should be limited as much as possible -- especially for little babies, who spend a lot of time either on their backs or being carried around in different contraptions. In fact, did you know that most car seat manufacturers state [...]

Back Pain and Hunger are no Picnic

Summer is a great time for picnics but not for back pain. And if someone is challenged with the need for food, they can't even imagine a nice family picnic. For the entire month of July, we are collecting food for people in need in partnership with the Worthington Resource Pantry. Please bring in a few food [...]

Family Chiropractic – Keep the Whole Family Healthy!

Family Chiropractic Care is a Fun Adventure! Family Chiropractic Care is an excellent way for your family to stay healthy and happy. Coming in together as a family saves time and turns into a fun adventure every time you come in. Our staff loves to get to know your kids and babies. We know many of them [...]

Halloween Safety Tips for Kids

Halloween is just around the corner! Kids are getting excited to put on their costumes, hang out with other kids, and run around the neighborhood, getting as much candy as possible. What a blast! Of course, a love/hate thing is going on here. As parents, we love helping our kids have fun, and we hate what happens [...]

4 Ways to Keep Kids Healthy This School Year

Keeping your kids healthy makes for a much better school year for them and you! There are so many things to think about! Here are a few ways to help your kids (and you) have a great school year. #1 Check your kids' backpacks. Heavy backpacks cause neck, shoulder, and back pain. There are a few things [...]

Chiropractic Care Healing Ear Infections in Children

One condition with kids we see frequently in our office is Otitis media or ear infections. One 2 year old who was brought in by his grandma was a dramatic case. He had already been put on 8 courses of antibiotics and had 2 surgeries with tubes inserted into his ears. When I examined him, he [...]

Chiropractic Care for Infants and Children

Last month we talked about older adults and chiropractic care but often patients are shocked to see so many infants and children in our office. We have cared for children from 3 hours old (yes, 3 hours old), to age 18. For infants one trauma most people don’t think about in our culture is the stress [...]

Chiropractic Miracle – Avoided Tubes in Child’s Ears

My 1st Chiropractic Miracle - No Tubes in Ears Necessary! - Submitted by patient, Kathy Rausch I was introduced to chiropractic care completely by accident 34 years ago. At that time, I had a 3 year old son and I was working at a hospital full time nights as a nurses aide in Labor and Delivery and [...]

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