
Back Pain and Hunger are no Picnic

Summer is a great time for picnics but not for back pain. And if someone is challenged with the need for food, they can't even imagine a nice family picnic. For the entire month of July, we are collecting food for people in need in partnership with the Worthington Resource Pantry. Please bring in a few food [...]

Family Chiropractic – Keep the Whole Family Healthy!

Family Chiropractic Care is a Fun Adventure! Family Chiropractic Care is an excellent way for your family to stay healthy and happy. Coming in together as a family saves time and turns into a fun adventure every time you come in. Our staff loves to get to know your kids and babies. We know many of them [...]

Jump for Joy!

Jumping jacks are a simple but effective exercise that provides numerous benefits to your body. We love jumping jacks! Here are several reasons why jumping jacks are good for you: Cardiovascular Health: Jumping jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up, which can improve your cardiovascular health. This can help reduce your risk of [...]

Halloween Safety Tips for Kids

Halloween is just around the corner! Kids are getting excited to put on their costumes, hang out with other kids, and run around the neighborhood, getting as much candy as possible. What a blast! Of course, a love/hate thing is going on here. As parents, we love helping our kids have fun, and we hate what happens [...]

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